Sunday, July 27, 2008

INTERVIEW: "4 Minutes" w/ New York’s Untouchable DJ Drastic

INTERVIEW: "4 Minutes" w/ New York’s Untouchable DJ Drastic

The Untouchable DJ Drastic will be appearing live at The Plumm in New York City courtesy of Liv Live Entertainment on 08.02.08. We recently had a chance to chop it up with The Untouchable DJ Drastic via telephone and here’s what we discussed…

Key: “LLE” = Liv Live Entertainment / “UDD” = Untouchable DJ Drastic

01. LLE: Drastic, Tell us where it all started for you professionally.

UDD: I’ve had my hands in so many different things over the years. 88.9FM WSIA; College radio is a foundational aspect of my career as are the nightclubs of New York City. It’s been a long time coming. 4 minutes is not enough time.

02. LLE: Speaking of nightclubs, I remember coming to see you at Crobar. I was extremely impressed the first time that I observed your level of skill. What do you feel makes you most appealing to your fans?

UDD: That’s easy. I’m real. People sense it in my demeanor. I choose to influence not follow the pack. Sometimes I feel that I am so ahead of my time that I lapped myself along the way. Every now and then, I have to stop and go back to pick up the pieces. This can have a positive or negative influence in my life.

03. LLE: Is there a Mrs. Untouchable DJ Drastic?

UDD: I keep life simple. I hope to find one. It’s difficult; especially in my world. My ultimate goal is to build with my queen, have a daughter, take care of my mother, continue to evolve professionally, and enjoy my days.

04. LLE: Alright, we’re going to throw a curveball in your direction. If you had to choose who would you side with Soulja Boy or Ice-T?

UDD: What? C’mon man, What kind of question is that? Ice-T all day. Are you talking about that internet nonsense that had went on a few months back? (Laughs) I have nothing against Soulja Boy but I f**ks w/ Ice-T. Hands down.

05. LLE: What advice do you have to give aspiring industry professionals?

UDD: Stay true to your craft. Remember to stay grounded even on your best day. You’ll have people that you will walk by on the street but never turn your back on the ones that genuinely supported you along the way. The most difficult part is sorting out the ones who genuinely assisted you versus the ones that did it for personal gain. They’re all beneficial in some aspect but some are closer to the heart. It’s a thin line; to each their own.

LLE: Well Drastic, we want to thank you for touching base with us and look forward to seeing you in New York City later this summer.

UDD: Likewise. Thank You. Enjoy the rest of your morning.

Next Up: DJ Don Demarco

-"Slim" (Liv Live Entertainment)
Photos Provided Courtesy of

08.02.08 - Liv Live Entertainment Presents The Untouchable DJ Drastic Guaranteed Live @ The Plumm ("Fame Allure" Fashion Show)

Liv Live Entertainment Presents
"Fame Allure's Birth of A Star Fashion Show"

Saturday August 2nd, 2008
A One Night Only Event @ The Plumm (New York City)
246 West 14th Street bet. 7th & 8th Ave. NY, NY

Doors Open @ 7:30PM - Show Begins @ 8:00PM / 21+ Afterparty 11:00PM - 4:00AM
Afterparty Admission Is Complimentary w/ Fashion Show Admission

Guaranteed Live Appearance &Music By
The Untouchable DJ Drastic

Fashion Show, Filmography, Live Performances, & Much More!

For more information and/or RSVP e-mail